“Mufasa: The Lion King,” the photorealistic animated movie from Disney, a film which serves as both a prequel and a sequel to 1994’s “The Lion King,” and its 2019 “live-action,” remake, is an excellent case study in what makes movies…
Read moreOf all the films in Disney's seemingly never-ending onslaught of live-action remakes, there is no film I dislike more than 2019's The Lion King. Some would argue the film doesn't even qualify as live-action, but let us not fall into…
Read moreThe firm Italian and French friends, Gino D’Acampo and Fred Sirieix are back on their travels. In an attempt to be greener, they’re off on a geographical, culinary, cultural and eco-friendly tour of Austria and Croatia. Let’s dive into this…
Read moreIt’s commonplace for creatives to navigate apocalyptic tales. These types of stories draw upon fundamental narratives that border on the cliché and yet engage in profound aspects of our fear of everything we care about being stripped away. These stories…
Read more“In many families, you encounter one fatal creature, like a disease. I am that creature for you.” So begins Leos Carax’s remarkable It’s Not Me, a delirious, self-deprecating video essay cum confession that serves as a concise articulation of the…
Read moreOf all the films that Johnny Depp was to return to the director’s chair for, this darkly comic story of a highly intoxicated, mildly sociopathic yet intensely charismatic creative feels more than a bit fitting. A movie that’s been decades…
Read moreEditor's note: The below recap contains spoilers for the Season 5 finale of Yellowstone. Well, folks, this is it. Since 2018, fans have wondered how the Dutton family would save their infamous Montana cattle ranch. After years of waiting, Yellowstone…
Read moreEditor's note: The below recap contains spoilers for Dune: Prophecy Episode 5. Finally, Dune: Prophecy is starting to give us some answers about its burning mysteries - but not without raising other questions. This week's episode, "In Blood, Truth," fulfills…
Read moreWhen you step into a theater, anticipating beautiful cinematography, vivid storytelling, and emotional acting, an animated movie is the last thing you expect. Despite animation becoming increasingly more adult nowadays, it is still viewed with a lower regard when discussing…
Read moreSam Ryder, the man who almost won our first Eurovision song contest since Bucks Fizz in 1997 graced Stoke on Trent for the last tour date of a winter tour and it was outstanding! First up were the supporting acts…
Read moreEditor's note: The below recap contains spoilers for Fire Country Season 3 Episode 8.Fire Country is going on hiatus and will leave us clutching our pearls until the show returns at the end of January. Another campaign fire breaks out…
Read moreEditor's note: The below recap contains spoilers for Outlander Season 7 Episode 12.This week's episode of Outlander breaks the show's typical formula in more ways than one, and not just because of who we don’t keep track of this time…
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